30 May 2013

86, Clementine Street

This is a residential lot built on a 10*10 lot. I made it a long time ago for my french blog, but I've decided to share it here too. It's very colorful outside, a bit more traditional inside. There is no CC in this one, but I've used some expansions you might need to get it correctly.
Let's visit!

The Sims 3 Pets Logo The Sims 3 Generations Logo

28 May 2013

Green Day Posters

I've been requested this posters yesterday by a player from the French community called lE Jour Vert, and I thought it would be a good training to improve myself in photoshopping. So here are my new paintings. It's the same mesh as my Florence + The Machine Posters.

A little problem with the last one. It appears that "Homeday" is not one of Green Day's songs! Let's say it's a mashup between "Holyday" and "Homecoming"! =D
Hope you like these ones!

PS : S'il y a des français qui passent par là, vous pouvez aller lire le Legacy de lE Jour Vert. C'est une histoire bien sympathique avec déjà une petite dizaine de chapitres. N'hésitez pas à aller jeter un coup d’œil.

And if you have some requests, you can tell me about it in the comments! 
Thanks for reading! Bye!

27 May 2013

New Sim : Vincent Heymann

Today, I've decided to propose you to download one of my favorite male sim! His name is Vincent Heymann and I made him without any custom content. He's also base game compatible.

You can download in .sim only. To install it, you just have to put the file named "Vincent Heymann.sim" into : Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims . It should work, but if you have any problem, don't hesitate to tell me about it! ;)
Hope you'll like him!

25 May 2013

Florence + The Machine Posters

Hey !
Today, I propose you three huge paintings. I created both the mesh and the poster. The mesh isn't very sophisticated, but I think it's sufficient to do what I wanted to do. Actually, these are the lyrics of three songs by Florence + The Machines I stylisized with Photoshop and Wordle.

Click to extend !

Let's see them in game. As you can see, they are VERY big, but it's not a problem. You can easily use it in a large bedroom or a living room.